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Our Mission

The SCCA exists to bring the community together through the use of our facilities, hosting events, and supporting members of our community by serving as a liaison to external resources.

Become a Member

The SCCA is always looking for residents to get involved! Join us and meet the neighbours, be part of our events, and help make a difference in your community!

Membership Advantages

√ Members can vote at the AGM

√Members receive discounted rates on hall rentals

√ SCCA event have reduced member event rates

√ Members receive emails with upcoming events, minutes and SCCA happenings

√ Membership fees help pay for insurance and utilities at the hall, and support community events

√ Members demonstrate a sense of community pride and support community connections

√ Horse arena members can use the riding arena with proof of Horse Council of BC (HCBC) membership

√ Membership qualifies you to run for a board position and make a difference in your community

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